
September 21, 2010

Field Trip

Today we took our first field trip and Casia was very excited! We went to a favorite local park with wooded trails and bridges spanning streams. There Casia collected various samples of flora and fauna. She's learning about taxonomy in science and she is planning on making a display of her specimens.

Casia with her binoculars. We didn't see many birds; just geese, crows and woodpeckers. We heard a couple others that we couldn't identify. Casia was delighted to spy two  nests in trees.

Casia's big find of the day: an earthworm. 
She named him Wriggles.

Casia collected water samples from the streams. We'll take a look under the microscope later to see what interesting things we can identify.

Casia with her goody bags. She collected numerous leaves, moses, ferns, flowers and fungi specimens.

Casia chasing a dragonfly. 
She never caught up to it.

We had a beautiful afternoon learning and laughing together!


  1. Jealousssssss! Looks like a really fun field trip!!

  2. It was a lot of fun. If you're ever in our neck of the woods, you're welcome to join us!
