
March 28, 2011

Not Ungrateful, Just Forgetful

I mentioned in a previous post, that Casia and I are working on having a more positive outlook, and to that end, we have started writing in our Grateful Journals. Garrett has even started joined in the activity with us. He says what he is grateful for and I type it into his electronic journal. 

The first few entries I really needed to work with Casia on the point of the journaling. Phrasing like: it would have been, except that, and despite are not great ways to start a positive feeling. But she has absolutely been making progress. She no longer sits there several minutes after I'm done trying to think of something to write about. In fact, she usually has her idea right away now, and that's serious progress. 

Around the house, I have definitely noticed a change in the atmosphere. Casia has been a tremendous help with chores, even volunteering for some. She and Garrett have been getting along better, and overall everyone seems more cheerful. Now I'm not sure that I can credit all this to the grateful journals, but I can't exclude the possibility that it's helping either.

The hardest part for me is remembering to set time aside for journaling. I'm trying the strategy now of doing it right after our daily quote. Previously, it seemed to get lost in the daily mix. It's not a lengthy task and could fit anywhere, but somehow I managed to overlook it.  It's not that I'm ungrateful, I'm just forgetful.

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