
April 7, 2011

Yoga in the Morning

Casia and Garrett have started a tradition of beginning their school day with a little yoga. They usually don't even get dressed. They just bring themselves down in their pajamas, roll out the mat and pop in the video. 

Sometimes I use their yoga time as a chance to shower (uninterrupted!). Sometimes I haven't even managed to get myself out of bed yet. But most of the times, I'm sitting at my computer, checking my morning emails with a nice hot cup of tea and the perfect view of the two of them practicing their yoga poses. 

My favorite: the cat-cow stretch. Why? Because it is accompanied by little giggling voices saying, "Meeeeooow" and "Moooooo". I don't know why they add the animal sound effects, but whether I'm getting dressed, still laying in bed or downstairs with a front row seat, it always makes me smile. 

I also love the poses they do together. It's a great bonding time between them and a wonderful way to start their day. Maybe someday I'll be inspired to do some yoga with them.... but probably not. I enjoy sipping my tea and watching them too much.

Standing Leg Pose

Tree Pose

Tree Pose

Dancing Shiva Pose

Supported Bridge Pose

Double Boat Pose

Partner Tree Pose


  1. Your children are ruining us! Lol. Stanton is already madly in love with Garrett and is determined to make a child just like him someday.
    And now they are doing yoga! I want them haha.
    Casia's tree pose with hands at heart center was pretty legit. SOme grown ups can't do that yet. And the supported bridge is quite possibly the coolest thing ever.
    You guys are such a fun family :) See you soon!!

  2. Thanks, Allie! Maybe when we see you next, you can do some yoga with the kids. They need another to do their pyramid and Casia wants to know which part of the bridge you want to be. :D

  3. Tay! That sounds like so much fun :)
    I will do whatever part of the supported bridge that will not crush your children haha!
