
October 25, 2011

Falling Behind

It's not Casia I'm speaking of, it's me. I'm falling behind. I'm behind on almost every project I'm working on including homeschooling Casia. I don't even look at my monthly schedule any more, because I'm so far behind, it depresses me. I'm so far behind, I don't have time to look up synonyms in the thesaurus to replace all the behinds I've just typed. Off the top of my head, I can think of quite a few other behinds, but they just don't have the right meaning. So here I sit, on my behind, getting further behind talking about behinds.

Now that I've vented, I need to give myself a pep-talk. So here it goes... On the flip side, I still feel like Casia is learning a lot. She's had a great attitude this past month and has been very proactive on her independent projects. Socially she is doing marvelously. I think she's is getting a well balanced education. We managed to get in math and language arts every day and science, history, Spanish and computer science a few times each week. I just wish I had about five more hours in the day; two with Casia and three more just for myself. Or maybe I just wish I had enough energy to make use of the last three hours of my day. Either way, I've been feeling more and more tired and my to-do list is growing; not shrinking. Damn! My pep-talk just turned negative. Not a good sign. I'm trying to decide if I need a vacation or need to work harder to catch up. It's a tough call. 

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