
March 6, 2012

Super Tuesday

Casia and I are both super excited about 'Super Tuesday'. I love to follow politics. I keep up on the issues, try to know who the players are and I get really into elections, particularly presidential elections. It has been such a pleasure for me to share this excitement with my daughter, who seems genuinely interested.

This year in school, Casia has been learning about American History. Additionally, I've been incorporating political current events into our course of study. It amazes me that even with more than two centuries to divide our country's early issues with the present ones, there is still some overlap. Since she finished the Revolutionary War, she's been learning about the formation of our government. A major part of this is understanding our Constitution. She has been learning about the separation of powers between federal and state as well as the divisions among the legislative, judicial and executive branches. We've been discussing some of the  concerns the founding fathers had in making sure the federal government was strong enough to be effective but not too strong to trample the states' rights and individual freedoms. The founders grappled with the role of religion in government and government in religion; topical even in today's politics. 

I've been teaching Casia how the modern political system works. We've been tracking the primaries and the candidates from the beginning. She and I have watched several debates, read many articles in the news and today, Casia followed me into the voting booth. Casia has always enjoyed joining me on election days, but today it was even more special because she understood what was it is all about. Although I have to confess, I'm not a fan of these modern electronic voting machines. I really miss the 'cha-ching!' sound that would accompany the the pulling of the lever. It added an aesthetic touch to my civic duty. 

Tonight we are going to stay up late, munch on popcorn and watch the Super Tuesday results roll in. Some mothers and daughters bond over pedicures and shopping. Casia and I enjoy sharing the wonder of the democratic process in action.

1 comment:

  1. It is touching walking into my daughter's bedroom to find mom and daughter lying in bed watching CNN's coverage of super Tuesday!
