
September 21, 2012

Making Grammar Fun with Doctor Who

Casia is a huge, huge, HUGE 'Doctor Who' fan. Grammar.... not so much. 

We've started a new grammar course by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, and although it seems to be a good fit, it's not something that gets Casia excited. In fact, she kind of has a grammar-face; a pained look that only crops up on her face when grammar is in her near future. When it comes to a new topic, a worksheet or especially a test, she gets this look on her face.

In an attempt to put a smile there instead, I wrote this week's entire test using 'Doctor Who' quotes. It was a bit more time consuming, but it was so worth it when she started reading the sentences aloud and squealing with delight. Plus, it was fun getting to make up questions that include such things as "bow ties are cool," and "wibbly, wobbly, time-y, wimey stuff."

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